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Sun City Men's Golf Association

 We encourage and support “READY GOLF”.


The SCMGA plays the 8 RCSC golf courses in Sun City on Wednesdays. 


A “Monitor” is assigned to manage each league.




What the Monitor needs from new members

  • A completed SCMGA Membership Form and a check

  • The team you would like to join. If you don’t have a team, your hour preferences (described below).

  • The tee you are most comfortable playing (white, red, or yellow). Your monitor must be notified if you change the tee you are playing.


Rules of Play

  • USGA Rules of Golf and Local Rules found on the back of the course scorecard govern the play of the day.

  • You must putt out – there are no gimmies.

  • Play the ball down – there is no rolling of the ball.

  • Ready Golf is supported and encouraged.  What is ready golf? There is a list of Ready Golf Guidelines on our web page.


Day of Play

Be prompt- you should check-in at your leagues course at least 20 minutes before your tee time

The game of the day will be posted in the clubhouse

Play in Teams

Tee Times are assigned by teams.  Teams can be from 1 to 5 players at a regulation course and 1 to 4 players at an executive or nine hole course.


Member Play Dates

Each member is responsible to manage their Wednesday days of play in the system.  A member can have up to five future play dates.   An information sheet for updating play dates can be found on the SCMGA web page.  

Tee Times for the Day of Play

  • Tee Times for the following Wednesday should be available by noon Thursday on the RCSC web page and later on Thursday on the RCSC web portal.

  • Tee Sheets could be a straight tee sheet or a split tee sheet.

  • Teams will be combined to fill up a tee time.

  • Tee Times are randomally generated based on a team’s hour preferences.


Teams Hour Preferences

Each team has four hour preferences- based on when a team would like to play.

1st hour – the teams preferred hour of play

2nd hour – the teams 2nd preferred hour of play

3rd hour – the teams 3rd preferred hour of play

4th hour – the teams 4th preferred hour of play



  • Competition is by flights which is based on handicap groups.  Meaning- you compete with members with a similar handicap.  Example-  members with a handicap of 0 – 10 could be in flight “A” and compete against each other, members with a handicap of 11- 20 could be in flight “B”, members with a handicap of 21 – 30 could be in flight “C”, ….

  • If members in a flight are playing from different tees, handicaps will be adjusted to make competition more equitable.

  • Roughly 33% of the members in a flight should be winners.

  • Winnings reports will be posted at the course and on the SCMGA web site (normally by Thursday afternoon).

  • Winnings will be added to your RCSC account.


Score Posting

  • Each member is responsible to post their score in the Handicomp System. Computers are available in the club house for posting or you can post your scores with your home computer.  (See your monitor for a userid and a password.) 

  • To post at home, your monitor will have to give you a user name and a password.  Wednesday’s score must be posted by noon on Thursday.  The Handicap Committee will check to see if you post your Wednesday score.

  • All member scores, whether you are playing a Sun City course or not, should be posted. Post Equitable Stroke Control (ESC) score. Updated handicaps are loaded into the system on the 1st and the 15th of each month.



Members can be disqualified (DQed) from play of the day for several reasons.  The reasons are posted at the course.


Game of the Day

  • The SCMGA normally plays four games for competition: total strokes, points, adjusted gross, and better nine.

  • The game for that day is posted in the club house.

  • Your league monitor may schedule additional tournaments you can sign up to participate in.

  • The SCMGA also holds additional tournaments throughout the year

Score Cards

  • The proper way to fill out you game score card can be found on the SCMGA web page. 

  • A RCSC ID is required for each player. 

  • Score cards filled out with  players names like “Bill”, “Rick”, and “George” will be discarded. 

  • Score cards without game totals will be discarded.

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