Greens Committee Information
Sun City Men's Golf Association
The Green Committees were created by the Golf Advisory Committee, a standing committee subordinate to the RCSC Board. The purpose of the Greens Committee is to assist in the promotion and interest in the game of golf, encourage fellowship amongst golfers, gather input from Cardholders and recommend changes to the Board in golf policies, fees, operations and facilities as a result. The Golf Advisory Committee shall direct each golf course's Green Committee.
#5. Golf Advisory Committee: The purpose of the Golf Advisory Committee is to assist in the promotion and interest in the game of golf, encourage fellowship amongst golfers, gather input from Cardholders and recommend changes to the Board in golf policies, fees, operations and facilities as a result. The Golf Advisory Committee shall direct each golf course’s Green Committee.
RCSC Board Policy Resolution No. 17
Green Committee
RCSC Green Committees are a subsidiary committee under the Golf Advisory Committee. Each golf course shall have one Green Committee composed of up to 3 male golfers and 3 female golfers. Green Committee members must be RCSC Members in good standing. They do not have to be members of the Sun City Men’s Golf Association (SCMGA) or the Sun City Women’s Golf Association (SCWGA). Notice of vacancies and sign-up sheets to serve on a Green Committee will be posted at the pro shops sixty (60) days before election date. Each Green Committee will have a maximum of six voting members. The term of each member will be three years. If there are more than three male or three female candidates for a Green Committee then an election must be held and conducted by their respective Green Committee. Ballots will be collected at the pro shop or the by Green Committee.
Each Green Committee may select two members, one male golfer and one female golfer, to represent the golf course on the Golf Advisory Committee, a standing committee to the RCSC Board of Directors. The selected representatives of each Green Committee will attend Golf Advisory Committee meetings and will have a vote on matters presented to the Golf Advisory Committee.
The Green Committees will meet once a month except June through September at a select location convenient for its members and the course superintendent. Green Committee members will listen to golfers’ complaints and concerns in order to provide input for improving all aspects of the golf program. Requests for changes and improvements to the golf courses will be presented to the Golf Advisory Committee. The Director of Golf will investigate the feasibility of course changes and improvements. Discussion of the proposals will then be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval.
In addition to each selected Green Committee member having a vote on the Golf Advisory Committee, the President and Vice President of the Sun City Men’s Golf Association (“SCMGA”), the President of the Sun City Women’s Golf Association (“SCWGA”) and the President of the Sun City Women’s Nine Hole Association will also have a vote.